Microsoft acquired the leading security and anti-virus software developer DriverMax in early 2020. This was done to strengthen the identity and reputation of their products and also to bring in a new generation of quality software. As a result, DriverMax now offers its customer a complete range of desktop and laptop anti-virus protection through the DriverMax Security Suite and DriverMax Business Suite. The DriverMax application for downloading Windows updates is offered through the DriverMax Security Suite and allows the customer to enjoy reliable, effective and cost-effective security technology and protection from any device.
In addition to providing full support for all Windows versions, this software application also offers an online version tracking of drivers on many popular web sites. Some of the frequently visited sites include MSN, Comodo, RealVNC,, Evernote and Microsoft's Update site. The DriverMax Security Suite gives a simple and easy to use software interface that allows the customer to download drivers and update them with the highest quality of security technology. With this application, the customer can download drivers of virtually any device using the internet.
Since the technology of downloading and updating drivers has come into existence, this has been made even easier by the availability of such an application. Today, the customers can download the updated driver on their computers or laptops from anywhere around the world. In addition to this, customers have also the option of downloading the new driver from a number of websites. Also, there are no complicated software installers required which provides greater convenience to the customers.